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hu·stle and heal so·ci·ety
/ˈhəsəl/ /and,(ə)n/ /hēl/ /səˈsīədē/
a community of hustlers and healers, staying connected and conscientious through telling and sharing stories.

Our Mantra


"I have never understood why some people are lucky enough to be born with the chance that I had, to have this path in life and why across the world, there is a woman just like me, with the same abilities and same desires, same work ethic and love for her family, who would most likely make better films and better speeches. Only she sits in a refugee camp and she has no voice...I don't know why this is my life and that's hers. I don't understand that but I will do as my mother asked, and I will do the best I can with this life, to be of use." 

Angelina Jolie on receiving the Jean Hersholt
Humanitarian Award at the 2013 Governors Awards
Host house.JPG

Our Mission

By hustling and healing together, we share a collective conscious.

Hustle and Heal Society is just that, a society for the hustlers and healers. For those who believe in the value of lifelong learning and open-mindedness. For those who have the audacity to be peacebuilders. At H&H, we're here to serve you some fresh, wholesome, and compelling content to fuel your conscious. We strive to understand what Psychologist Carl Rogers meant when he suggested that "those things that are most personal are shared universally." We invite you to challenge the present, acknowledge the past, and imagine the future. In doing so, we hope this space dares you to explore and embrace your own truth, unashamed, unapologetic and grounded. Let's hustle and heal together.

The Creator




About me
Coming soon.
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